Monday, July 28, 2008

I love Bunko! It's only every other month but it's hilarious, not the game but all of the women there are so funny and just great to be around. I was talking about my cloth diapering venture and I found out that 3 other women in the group have been cloth diapering for awhile! I was so excited!! I am hungry for diaper tips and Andrea, Holly, and Heather told me there is a diaper service in town that has a store that sells the covers for CHEAP!! Woo hoo!!! The website is I checked them out and they are so cool! Holly and Andrea said they used the covers for several kids and they are still holding up. I am definitly going to try them out. They are about $7.50-$10.00 which is great considering there is no shipping and I can just go to the store and check them out. Woo hoo!

Okay a little hippy moment: On Tidee Didee it said: Disposable diapers make up the 3rd largest source of solid waste in landfills (after newspapers and beverage containers). Disposable diapers take up to 500 years to decompose; and unlike any other waste item, they contain raw untreated sewage (which can ultimately lead to an epidemic).
Wow that is mind boggling. So go cloth baby!

My friend Erick said he hated the previous hippy picture for some reason, so I promised to add a new one so here's my hubby again gracing the pages of my blog. Hehe... Erick also wanted a picture of a poopy diaper but that's not going to happen, sorry Erick.
Talking to the fabulous ladies at bunko was so fun!! I also learned that Berts Butt Balm is great for diaper rash.Oh a good reminder! NO bleach, and no FABRIC SOFTENER! If you can hang dry your covers that's going to be the best thing.

I'll let you know how my excursion to Tidee Didee goes when I go there. I am going to the Sacramento Mothers Support Network this week to try to check out their cloth diapering inventory.
This is so cool! I thought this was only on the internet and there were no local resources and I am finding them!! YIPPEE!! I am also going to their Moonfaeries store and try to market my baby slings, and hopefully they'll buy them!!! OOH!! Wish me luck!! Here's the web address for them, They are an awesome resource for all types of Mothering needs! Here's my totally cute sister in law modeling one of my slings.

1 comment:

Laura & Tyson said...

Hi Steph. So when Tyson and I have a kid I really want to do this cloth diapering. I mean it will save so much money which is great! I had a question - do you us any pins to hold the diapers, and have you been able to find any cute ones? My mom had adorable pins that she used on us with like cute animals on the ends of them.

Also, your mommy wrap is so cute! How did you learn how to do that?
